
Muscle Rage – Premium Sports Supplements

Muscle Rage > Shipping & Delivery

What shipping option do you offer for UK and Ireland customers?

Standard Delivery (Royal Mail or UPS)

£3.99 – FREE on UK orders over £50.

What shipping options do you offer for EU customers post Brexit?

Due to Brexit, customs clearance is now required for products entering the EU. Whilst most orders are only experiencing time delays of 2-3 days, some may experience much longer delays due to volume and struggling customs agencies.
Due to Brexit, there may be VAT added at the time the products arrive in your country. However, you are now no longer charged UK VAT at the time of purchase. Which in many countries would lead to a price reduction. There may also be a documentation/admin fee by any shipper for processing your order through customs.

DHL Economy Select

Starts at £17.99 – DHL prices are based on weight and region of the country. Average 3-3 Days.

DHL Express Worldwide

Starts at just £15.99 – DHL prices are based on weight and region of the country. This shipping option is limited to packages under 2kg and is not available in all locations. Average 1-3 Days.

When will my items be shipped?

All orders placed before 1pm Monday-Friday will be shipped the same day. Orders placed after 1pm will be shipped the following working day.

Customs have my parcel?

If your country is outside of the UK then your parcel WILL go through some form of customs process. Muscle Rage Ltd. is not liable or responsible for any of the following but not limited too; loss, damage, seizure, delays, destruction or prosecution by your government. Compensation or refunds will not be available if this should happen. We take no responsibility for the parcel or it’s contents if any of the issues mentioned in this paragraph should occur.
If the parcel arrives or is scheduled to arrive with you and you refuse delivery outside of the UK, the parcel cannot be reclaimed or returned by Muscle Rage Ltd and may have outstanding duties and taxes which Muscle Rage Ltd is not liable for. Compensation or refunds will not be available if this should happen.

Where is my order?

You can find your tracking number in your email confirming the shipment.
In the unlikely event that the order is taking longer to arrive than it should, please check your tracking number before contacting us.
If the parcel says delivered but you are unsure where on your property/business, please contact the delivering courier directly first. As they have systems in place to tell you exactly where your order was delivered.
If after this you still cannot locate your parcel, please contact us within 14 days of the date by which your order should have been delivered and we’ll do our best to help you.
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